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Meet our Group 2 Study
Participant, Kathy...
My name is
Kathy Wyatt and I am 55 years old. I am married with two
wonderful children and three amazing grandkids. I live in
Petawawa ,Ontario Canada As the years went by and I married and had kids the pounds slipped on and off and yoyo dieting began. I would exercise lose 10, stop working out and gain 10 lbs, Weight Watcher meetings became my best friend and the yoyo dieting started again. When I turned 50 I was up to 165,and nothing took off more than a few pounds. Then Mar 26/10 I found a lump in my breast and my world went crazy.
It was a year
of many firsts…. I started eating clean, I started
chemo…lost my hair and then had radiation. On Mar 1 /2011 I
had enough, enough medications, enough depression, enough
feeling sorry for myself. My weight hit a all time high of
186 with the chemo drugs so I started Atkins and lots of
exercise by April I weighed 167 but I was so tired, I
cracked a rib so I knew that wasn’t the answer. |
Starting Statistics Starting Date: November 21, 2011 Age: 55 Height: 5'4" Weight: 170.8 lbs |
Date: February 11, 2012
When I asked my husband to take my final measurements and pictures, he said I didn’t look happy, then came the lecture…. that I am never happy with myself and that if I weighted 110 I would want to be 105. He took me to the bathroom mirror and asked me what I saw. Your alive, your healthy, you’ve lost weight and inches be happy, he said. Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? This conversation carried with me as I went to the gym, and other ladies discussed it as well. Why do women do this to themselves? Why do we fail to see the good in ourselves? What idiots we are. As I passed by the mirror I saw a new me…I did look good, yes I still have a way to go but I am on the right track.
So what happens now? Well for me it is time for new goals. When I finish the week we are leaving for Jamaica for one week. I am not worried about the food other than getting enough protein but I may pack a few baggies of protein powder and hope they don’t think its cocaine lol. Over eating at resorts has never been a problem before so it won’t now. I will admit I will have a few drinks but my water bottle is packed so I will drink lots of water as well. It will be hard not to exercise while we are gone but Tab tells me this is good, but look out Monday Feb 20/12 I will be back at gym pushing hard, I will making my own menus trying to reach my next goal.
I want to Thank Chelle and Tab for theses past 12 weeks, for listening to my many questions, for letting me cry when things didn’t go right. For pushing me farther than I have ever been before. You two ladies are two of the most wonderful people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
To all the other ladies…Well done, each and everyone of you looks amazing
To anyone who is reading this Thank you for following my process.
Date: February 4, 2012 What’s changed in 11 weeks?
I can see muscle…. in my arms, in my legs whooooopy. It feels awesome.
My aerobic capacity has changed…I can walk at 6.2k for 10 minutes and not be out of Breathe.
When I do a lunge I concentrate on the one knee bending instead of listening for the knees to crack and stopping.
When I reach for a weight I am no longer afraid to try to lift heavier.
I look forward to going on the step machine because I know I will really sweat lol.
When I look At my menus and add everything up I see how low my fat % is and I feel really good because I know I did everything right.
With one week left I am getting excited about seeing my final measurements and weight.
Date: January 28, 2012 Current Weight: 162.2 (-1.4 lbs!!!) This journal goes out to all the people who have been following our progress, especially to Don and Melanie. Thank you. Never doubt the power of a kind word.
Today was Thursday and cardio day for me. I woke just not feeling right, achy all over and just not 100%. Off to the gym I went but my High Intensity workout just seemed such an effort. As I was working out a lady who I had never met but seen at the gym came up to me and told me she had been watching my progress and wanted me to know that the weight and inches I had lost really showed and that she thought I looked amazing. WOW suddenly my shoulders went back, my stomach muscles tightened and I pushed though the workout probably grinning like a Cheshire cat. Those kind words spurred me on, even though my body wanted to stop I didn’t.
As we come to the close of another week we are all starting feel a lot of emotions. Sorry Tab and Chelle for crying during my skype, not sure where that came from. You don’t want the study to end and start to doubt that you have the tools to keep yourself on the straight and narrow. But that is wrong …we have become different people from when we started, we are stronger, and in control of our eating habits and not afraid to say No to the junk out there.
With only 2 weeks left, we will Rock this. Again to all who read our journals Thank You.
Date: January 21, 2012 Wow time sure does fly when your having fun. Nine weeks have flown by and I am starting to panic. Only 3 more weeks with 2 or the best coaches I have ever met.
Each day as I look at my menus and exercises I think how lucky I was to be chosen to do this study.
I may not have reached all my goals that the girls asked us to write down week one but I still have come a long way. In the 9 weeks I haven’t missed a day at the gym other than the rest days. I feel stronger and I am starting to see muscles in my shoulders and back that even my chiropractor commented on. Sure I wish I were 10lbs lighter than I am and a few more inches gone but I am not done yet. Who knows what the next 3 weeks will bring.
Stay tuned… |
Date: January 14, 2012 Current Weight: 163.6 (-2.8 lbs!) Where has the time gone, we are 2/3 of the way into our programs. With only 4 weeks left it is time to think what I have learned so far.
Date: January 7, 2012 Chelle wrote about Mind Games in her blog…. how true it is. I have reached that point. I wanted to be further long in my progress; I wanted to feel more results. Wanted to see more muscles and a flatter belly. As my husband says I want things instantly…so much so that I forget to look at what I have done. We forget that the weight doesn’t come on over night. We forget that cancer and menopause slows things. We forget to see the good in ourselves.
I sat down New Years day and thought back to where I was a year ago. Breakfast Jan1/11 was bacon, sausages, eggs, croissants, hash browns and fruit salad, oh and don’t forget the Baileys in my coffees. Jan1/12 was oatmeal with protein powder, flax and blackberries. Did I miss that big breakfast, maybe for a minute, then I thought of how I felt. This year amazing, last year I was still fighting cancer and didn’t care.
Chelle and Tab tell us to forget the scale, but its is hard to do, when it is part of what you are fighting for…that lower number. Today was a rough day for me, I felt I had hit that wall and wondered if it was worth it, but off to the gym I went. In my 7 weeks I haven’t missed one workout and as I was driving I thought about that. When I got to the gym I was told the weight and cardio room were closed, but the field house and track were open. For a second I went “oh no” but then today was weight day and I wanted it done. The field house only has a handful of machines but lots of weights so I adapted my workout the best I could. I didn’t quit when I had the chance…I kept going and when I got home I took out my measuring tape. Now measurements are only supposed to be done when the ladies tell us but I needed proof that it is working…. and guess what... it is.
Check my progress next week
Date: December 31, 2011 Things have quieted down and I am keeping myself on track, with my nose in my blue binder watching exactly what I am suppose to be eating. No Treats! If it’s not on the menu.
Exercise is 100% even though I had to lower the weights to stop the swelling under the breast but we will get on with that as well.
Water intake is about 95% but I am working on that too
I have reached the half way mark and I think the brain is finally understanding what it has to too as well as figuring out the macro ratio of my food.
Right now I am working very hard to catch up to the other girls in weight loss, while doing everything Chelle and Tab say to do. I love putting on outfits that I haven’t worn in years and am for the first time excited about going out New Years Eve.
Santa was good to me and gave me a new digital food scale and workout gloves so I am putting them to good use.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year…. may each and everyone of you have a safe and healthy new year and may you all reach your goals.
Date: December 27, 2011 Current Weight: 166.4(+1.4 lbs) Well I made it …Christmas is over and it was good, me on the other hand was not.
Chelle and Tab gave us 2 treat meals and suggested that we only take one, but no I had to have 2,but instead of treat meals I ended up having treat days. I skipped a few meals and few a snacks, I forgot to drink my water and and guess what. The scale went up, only a pound but it was up. I felt bloated and uncomfortable, I felt guilty for letting everyone down especially myself. I woke in the middle of the night and felt awful. My husband tried to console me by saying “ Everyone gains at Christmas” but it didn’t help. Then at 3am I had a brain wave…I remembered Chelle's blog** from September about gaining 12lbs in 3 days and another about Bad Food Hurts and I knew I had to let it go.
So here’s to a new week…I Will Drink My Water…. I Will Eat Right ….I Will Do My Exercises…I Will Forgive Myself For My 2 Treat Days.
Kathy's absolutely
right about the need to move on after a slip-up. Failure
isn't in falling down; it's in failing to get back up again.
Kathy has done the exact opposite of failing - she
DID get back up again and is
continuing to move forward toward her goals. What needs to
be remembered, however, is that choices we all make that
result in a slip-up will impose delays on getting us to our
Date: December 24, 2011 Week is rushing by and I feel amazing. I am sticking to exercise plan and starting to feel the pain lol. Actually so much pain that my third workout I had to decrease the weights, because of tenderness under the breast and into arm on the side I had my cancer. My doctor told me not to lift more than 20 lbs, but I am not a good listener. Diet has been not 100% but that is because I am trying to do changes but keep the numbers close for protein, carbs and fat. I know I need to figure this out so I can do this after the 12 weeks. So if I miss a morning snack I try to increase the protein at lunch to make up for it. Chelle will tell me if I did ok next skype call, ether that I will get told off.
I had a bit of a humbling moment today at the gym, I was so proud to get up to 6.4k on the treadmill but then a little lady about 75 came in. I have watched her and her husband many times as they have the best stretch routine I have ever seen. As I walked by her treadmill she was running at 6.2k………..so much for being old. Now I have to teach myself to get to faster lol.
It is 2 days till Christmas and I feel better than I ever have. My house only holds the cookies in the cookie jar that my Grandson loves. There are no chocolates or chips in the cupboard like other years and surprise, surprise everyone is fine with that. Two days to go and I am going to make it ….no sweat oops sorry Tab , with lots of sweat. Merry Christmas everyone. |
Date: December 17, 2011 It’s hard to believe that we are 4 weeks into this program. I feel amazing and scared at the same time. The exercises are about to get harder but I know they are working because of the way my clothes fit, almost lost my workout pants at the gym today they are so loose lol. I find my self walking taller and holding my stomach in more.
For those reading this I want you to know, this isn’t as easy as you think. I screw up lots but that’s where I am lucky we have Chelle and Tab to put us straight, with little questions like “ Why did you change the Program? Huh I replied. I didn’t. So where did the tablespoon of gravy and carrots come from?” Even making small changes to my diet can and will make a difference I am learning. It will get better as the weeks go on and I will learn what not to add and what I can sub that’s the same…. but for now not only am I the Kettle bell Queen but I get the Honesty Award for adding everything that goes into my month.
Weeks 5 and 6. …Bring It On;
even though you are over Christmas I will try my best. |
Date: December 13, 2011 Ode to the Scale
I am sorry for all those years when I
would stand on you not once but two or three times a day. |
Date: December 10, 2011 What does goal weight mean to me?
It is not just a number on scale or a smaller size dress, even though I will admit they are still very important to me. Hitting goal weight that for me is 135 lbs would mean a healthier person. It would make me feel sexier and have more energy to chase my dreams.
After having the cancer and while going through it I lost that. I felt ugly and as the chemo drugs added more weight it kept getting worse. In my twenty’s, and thirty’s and even forties I loved to look sexy, dress that way, feel that way, but cancer steels that away. It takes your hair and your spirit; it causes depression and leaves scars that run deep. But I outlived it and I now have a second chance, a chance to gain back the person I was. Not an emotional eater but one in control, one who doesn’t diet but eats healthy and clean and makes choices. I am not saying I will never eat fries, or pizza or ice cream again but when I do they will be a special treat that happens once in awhile.
Reaching goal weight, having a body that is fit and healthy will give back the strength to chase 3 little grandkids. It will give me a body that I am proud of and one that I know will make me feel sexy again. My whole life I have watched and read about bodybuilding or fitness training and I have envied those bodies and the shape of their arms and legs. I want that body. I want it for me. Some of us start early but for me I have just been reborn and am aiming for that target. I am shooting for my goal weight, because God gave me a chance to start over and if He can give me a chance the least I can do is give it 110%. |
Date: December 3, 2011 Currrent Weight: 167.8 (-3.0 lbs!) Week two has been easier than week one, because I have more control over the meals. I am starting to see and feel the difference in my body (I know hard to believe with only 3 pounds gone) but my stomach seems flatter and I see cheekbones again.
My blue binder has become my bible and is read many times a day so it keeps me on track. It goes to the gym with me everyday so I can record my reps and weights used. Each day as I leave the gym I am empowered with that great feeling that a workout gives you.
Chelle the recipes are
amazing and are getting thumbs up from my hubby. The
Stuffed Eggplant and the Sausage Skillet were great. I have
to be honest and admit I had two challenges this week…a
luncheon put on by the group Grandmothers to Grandmothers
who help families in Africa, but even though it was a tea
with lots of sandwiches and sweets I was in control and had
1 tiny square. The other was a small glass of wine with a
meal, but then the water came out. |
Date: November 27, 2011 Week one was good and bad. As you may have seen I am the Kettle Bell Queen. Diet was tough as I was gone for 4 days on a girls weekend and wine flowed...for me much less than the rest so I did try. I look Forward to the start of week two, knowing that bottle is corked and my friends laughter with be pushing me on. |
Week 1 |
Week 4 |
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Weight: 170.8 Measurements (in): Chest: 43.5 Arm: 13.0 Waist: 37.0 Hips: 41.5 Thigh: 23.5 Calf: 15.0
Weight: 165.0 (-5.8 lbs) Measurements (in): Chest: 42.5 Arm: 11.5 Waist: 36.0 Hips: 42.0 Thigh: 22.25 Calf: 14.5 Total: -4.75 inches! |
Week 8 |
Week 12 |
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Weight: 163.6(-7.2 lbs!) Measurements (in): Chest: 41.0 Arm: 11.5 Waist: 35.3 Hips: 40.5 Thigh: 20.5 Calf: 14.25 Down: -5.2 inches!
Total Down: -10.0 inches! |
Weight: 159.4(-4.2 lbs!) Measurements (in): Chest: 40.0 Arm: 11.5 Waist: 34.5 Hips: 39.5 Thigh: 19.5 Calf: 14.0 Down: -4.05 inches!
Total Down: -14.05 inches! |
Starting Stats height: 5' 4" weight: 170.8 lbs
11.4 lbs Lost!! Done! Gone! Finito! |