Don't "diet", instead, Transform Your Life! We offer meal plans with recipes that taste GREAT! Enjoy your food, live your life, and reach your goals!
family begs for this! It's amazingly easy, and unbelievably tasty!
If you were a member of the forum, you'll remember
Traweaver. This is her incredible recipe for granola. My family absolutely loves
this! My husband eats it as cereal, everyone snacks on it, and my favorite is to
add it to my plain greek yogurt - little bit 'o heaven there! :-)
Tracey's Amazing Raisin Almond Granola
Recipe Makes 35 servings
3 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup oat bran + 2 scoops Van. PP)
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1/4 cup wheat germ
1 cup whole raw almonds
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
2 T coconut oil
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup raisins
Preheat oven to 300. In bowl whisk the oats, oat bran, flax, wheat germ,
almonds and sea salt. In saucepan bring the honey, maple syrup, vanilla, oil,
and water just to a bubble over low heat. Pour the honey mixture over the oats
and mix until oats are evenly moistened. Spread the oats onto ungreased, rimmed
baking sheet. Bake at 300 for 20 minutes stirring twice. Cool completely and
then add the raisins. Stir again and store in a sealed container. Can be frozen
as well.
Per 2 tablespoons - Recipe makes 35 servings
(Note: the protein powder you use will change your nutritional data, so if
you're tracking closely, you can use to plug in the recipe
with your own protein powder to have accurate numbers).
Cals: 104
Fat: 4g
Carb: 15g
Sugars: 8g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 4g
Tabitha turned me on to adding dried cherries (half raisins, half cherries) and
man-oh-man is it yummy!